RAMADAN SPECIAL!! Register between
1st March - 4th April using the code SAVE25CDI to receive 25% OFF
CDIA is the global leader of ICD-10-AM and AR-DRGs based CDI services.
Clinical documentation forms the foundation of patient safety, clinical coding, hospital funding, and data integrity. As the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia advances towards the Vision2030 goals, clinical documentation improvement could never be more important.
This course empowers you to transform your hospital's clinical documentation culture and prepares you to sit the exam to become an internationally recognised Level 1 Certified Clinical Documentation Specialist (CCDS).
RAMADAN SPECIAL!! Register between 1st March - 4th April using the code SAVE25CDI to receive 25% OFF
"The content and how the presenters delivered was excellent."
Ahsanon-Nisha Haniya Daud, Nurse / Clinical Documentation Auditor Madina Cardiac Center
"A comprehensive course, and presented in a professional way."
CDI and Health Informatics Director, KSA
“I would like you to know how happy I am to learn new things to help us provide more safe and better quality healthcare services - thanks a million again. ”
Doctor, KSA
"The instructors were active and the engagement was great."
Huda Aljohani, Medical Coder King Saud Medical City
"Very positive & friendly presenters who truly were dedicated to engaging their audience."
Nurse, KSA
"I have gained plenty of information supported by great examples. I am so eager to start our CDI team in our facility and be able to share and practice this wonderful experience that I have learned from this course."
Khatoon Albahrani, Clinical Coder Dammam Medical Complex
Clinical Documentation Nurse Consultant
Nour holds a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing and a Master's Degree in Nursing Services Administration. Nour has experience in both adult and neonatal intensive care units, and has worked in a range of quality improvement roles, including as a Clinical Documentation Specialist at the largest hospital complex in the southern hemisphere. Nour is a skilful educator of clinicians and is dedicated to enhancing the quality and safety of healthcare through clinical documentation improvement.
CDS, CDIA Director & Co-Founder
Nicole’s passion is to partner with hospitals, improving clinical documentation and empowering clinicians to deliver safer patient care. Nicole is widely regarded as Australia’s foremost Clinical Documentation Specialist. Co-founder of CDIA (Clinical Documentation Improvement Australia), she shares her wealth of knowledge with the industry to support patient safety through clinical documentation improvement. An expansive education in healthcare led to Nicole achieving a Bachelor of Nursing, a Masters Degree in Health Administration and a Graduate Certificate in Research. She is responsible for the implementation of the first CDI program in the private hospital industry which has received significant acclaim and awards.
Clinical Documentation Nurse Consultant
With a diverse nursing background, Samantha has 20 years of experience working in Australian and UK hospitals. She holds a Master’s Degree in Nursing, specialising in teaching and learning. Recognised as one of the most experienced clinical documentation specialists in the country, Samantha has practiced in acute care, as a Clinical Nurse Specialist and as a Clinical Educator. Samantha holds the esteem of her peers for her involvement in the first formal, concurrent CDI program with specialised training in the private sector.
Medical Doctor
Felicity is a medical doctor and brings to the team a diverse range of educational experiences. As well as studying languages and the humanities at a tertiary level, Felicity has worked as a resident medical officer in hospitals in Queensland, New South Wales and the Northern Territory. Her time in the clinical space prompted her interest in patient safety as it relates to clinical documentation, and working with CDIA has enabled her to pursue this passion. Felicity’s enthusiasm, creativity and communication skills are an asset to her team.
Medical Doctor
Jonathon is a medical doctor who has studied and trained all over Queensland as well as completing undergraduate studies in Melbourne. His clinical years have been spent predominantly in Critical Care Medicine where he developed a passion for patient safety through accurate and effective documentation and communication. Educating medical students and other junior doctors has always been an important aspect of his clinical responsibilities and he is excited to be able to combine his passions of patient safety and education as part of the CDIA team.