How do I attain Level 3 certification?

To attain Level 3 certification, you will need to demonstrate your competence through completion of the Level 3 assessment.

To be eligible to apply for Level 3, you must have practiced as a Level 2 CDIA CCDS for a minimum of one year full-time equivalent.

How do I apply for Level 3 certification?

You will be required to provide the following supporting document during the application process for Level 3 certification:

  • Evidence of employment experience demonstrating 12 months FTE equivalent employment experience as a Level 2 CDIA CCDS. 

To ensure a smooth application process, please have your documentation ready to demonstrate your eligibility. Please see the CDIA CCDS Reference Guide for more information for document requirements.

You will be required to pay the certification fee upon application. The certification fee is AUD$300 for CDIA Community members and AUD$350 for non-members. Find out how to join the community to obtain your discount here

Following review of your application and verification of your eligibility, you will be able to access the Level 3 assessment via the CDIA Assessment Portal.

What assessment for I need to complete for Level 3 certification?

The Level 3 assessment consists of four components:

  1. CPD and Education Log: You will need to upload a log to demonstrate you meet the CPD and education hour requirements of a Level 3 CDIA CCDS. 
  2. Examination: This is a one-hour online exam consisting of 40 multiple choice questions to be completed on the CDIA Assessment Portal. Note that you will be required to submit a Supervisor Agreement Form to nominate a date, time and supervisor for the exam to ensure it is completed under examination conditions. Please see the section on “Online Examination” for more information. 
  3. Viva Voce: This is a 30 minute oral assessment performed via video conference to two CDIA assessors. Questions may be asked following the oral presentation. You will be required to upload a powerpoint presentation prior to the Viva Voce. 
  4. Reflection: 1000 word reflection uploaded to the CDIA assessment portal.

Note that you are required to submit your CPD and Education Log prior to scheduling your examination. You must achieve a satisfactory result on the examination before being able to progress to undertaking the Viva Voce and Reflection.

Level 3 Recertification

How do I recertify for Level 3?

The recertification process for the CDIA CCDS ensures that CDSs demonstrate currency of practice and remain up-to-date and current in the ACS and important developments across all aspects of CDI.

Individuals who hold any level of CDIA CCDS must apply every two years to maintain certification. Recertification is due on the anniversary of the date printed on your certificate. 

Recertification fees are AUD$125 for CDIA Community members and AUD$175 for non members. Payment is due on application.

To certify, candidates will need to submit a CPD and Education Log to the CDIA Assessment Portal to demonstrate they have achieved 40 hours of CPD and 48 hours of education.

For more information, please download the CDIA CCDS Reference Guide.

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